The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a multi-part document developed by your child’s team that describes your child’s educational needs and goals.
Parent and/or Student Concerns
What concern(s) does the parent and/or student want to see addressed to enhance the student’s education?
Student Strengths and Key Evaluation Results Summary
What are student’s educational strengths, interest areas, significant personal attributes and personal accomplishments?
What is the student's type of disability(ies), general education performance including MCAS/district testing results, achievement towards goals and lack of expected progress, if any?
Vision Statement
What is the vision for this student? Teams consider the next 1 to 5 year period when developing this statement.
Present Levels of Educational Performance (PLEP)
This area of the IEP is divided into two parts:
PLEP A: General Education Curriculum: General curriculum areas are affected by the student’s disability(ies) — ELA, History/Social Studies, Science and Technology, Math
PLEP B: Other Educational Needs: APE, Assistive Technology, Behavior, Braille needs, Communication, Social-Emotional Needs, Extra-curricular activities, Travel Training, etc.
Both PLEP A and PLEP B address:
How does the disability(ies) affect progress in the curriculum area(s)?
What type(s) of accommodations, if any, is necessary for this student to make effective Progress?
What type(s) of specially designed instruction, if any, is necessary for the student to make effective progress?
Check the necessary instructional modification(s) and describe how such modification(s) will be made. (Content, Methodology/Delivery of Instruction, Performance Criteria)
In addition, PLEP B also addresss age-specific considerations:
For children 3 to 5: participation in appropriate activities
For children ages 14 (or younger if appropriate): student’s course of study
For children ages 16 to 22: transition to post-school activities including community experiences, employment objectives, adult living and, if applicable, daily living skills
Current Performance Levels and Measurable Annual Goals
The Team identifies goal areas for the student to work on during the one year IEP cycle
Current Performance Level: What can the student currently do?
Measurable Annual Goal: What Challenging, yet attainable, goal can we expect the student to meet by the end of this IEP period? How will we know that the student has reached this goal?
Benchmark/Objectives: What will the student need to do to complete this goal?
Progress Reports are sent to parents at least as often as parents are informed of their nondisabled children’s progress. Each progress report describes the student’s progress toward meeting each annual goal.
Service Delivery
Include services, related services, program modifications and supports (including positive behavioral supports, school personnel and /or parent training supports).
Services should assist the student in reaching IEP goals, to be involved and progress in the general curriculum, to participate in extracurricular activities and to allow the student to participate with nondisabled students while working toward IEP goals.
A Grid Services: Consultation (Indirect Service to School Personnel and Parents)
B Grid Services: Special Education and Related Services in General Education Classroom (Direct Services)
C Grid Services: Special Education and Related Services in Other Settings (Direct Services)
Non Participation Justification
Is the student removed from the general education classroom at any time? (C Grid)
If yes, why is removal considered critical to the student’s program?
IDEA 2004 Regulations 20 U.S.C. Sec 612 (a) (5) 550 “... removal of children with disabilities from the regular educational environment occurs only when the nature or severity of the disability of a child is such that education in regular classes with the use of supplementary aids and serviced cannot be achieved satisfactory”
Schedule Modification
Does this student require a shorter school day or shorter school year?
Does this student require a longer school day or longer school year to prevent substantial loss and previously learned skills and/or substantial difficulty in relearning skills?
How will the student's schedule be modified? Why is this schedule modification being recommended?
This section of the IEP is where a student’s eligibility for Extended School Year is noted
Transportation Services
Does the student require transportation as a result of the disability(ies)?
State or District-Wide Assessment
Identify state or district-wide assessments planned during the IEP period:
Consider any state or district-wide assessment to be administered during the time span covered by this IEP. For each content area (ELA, History/Social Studies, Science and Technology, Math), identify the student’s assessment participation status.
On-demand testing under routine conditions in this content area
On-demand testing with accommodations in the content area
Alternate assessment in the content area
Any accommodations used for assessment purposes should be closely modeled on the accommodations that are provided to the student as part of his/her instructional program.
Additional Information
Includes the anticipated graduation date; a statement of interagency responsibilities or needed linkages if applicable; the discussion of transfer of rights at least one year before age of majority; and a recommendation for Chapter 688 Referral.
Efforts to obtain parent/student participation and input documented if not in attendance.
Record other relevant IEP information not previously stated.