Referral For Evaluation

Remisión para Evaluación

Your child has been having difficulty in school and general interventions have not helped. You would like the school to evaluate your child to determine if they are eligible for special education services.

A parent, caregiver or educator may refer a student for an initial evaluation if they have concerns about a suspected disability or student’s development.

The student will be evaluated in all areas related to the suspected disability, and the evaluation will be tailored to the specific student.

The evaluation will be used to determine if a student meets certain criteria, and is therefore eligible for special education.

Possible Outcomes of an Evaluation:

Your child is found eligible for special education services. 

You will now work with a team of educators to develop an IEP (Individualized Education Program) for your child. The IEP will be updated every year, and your child will be re-evaluated every three years.

Your child is found NOT eligible of special education services.

There are several reasons a student may be found ineligible for special education:

If your student is not eligible for Special Education, he or she may be eligible for accommodation(s) for disability(ies) under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, or for other services in other programs. Your child’s teachers, guidance counselor, and/or principal can discuss these options with you.

If you disagree with the evaluation findings, you have the right to seek an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE). You can also appeal eligibility determinations to the Bureau of Special Educational Appeals. Please review the “Notice of Procedural Safeguards” for more information about parents’ rights.