About Us
We are parents of special education students who have joined together to provide information and support to each other. We meet regularly with school administrators to give our input on the policies and programs that affect our children.
We organize monthly educational programs on topics to help parents of both special needs and typical children.
Our website has links to numerous resources and is being updated constantly.
We have ongoing communication with NPS Special Education Directors and Building Coordinators to address parent questions and concerns.
We hold monthly meetings with the Directors to discuss issues and provide feedback. These meetings are open to all SEPAC members.
Our parent liaisons help parents at each school connect with one another.
We host informal coffees and social events throughout the school year.
Our private Facebook group allows parents to ask questions and share information with each other.
SEPAC membership is open to any resident of Needham, including parents, guardians, educators and anyone else interested in the special education of Needham students, as well as to non-resident parents or guardians of Needham students. There is no fee to join Needham SEPAC — simply sign-up for our mailing list or attend one of our meetings to become a member.