Mental Health
Referrals & Services
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline
Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline (BHHL) is the Commonwealth’s “front door” for behavioral health needs. It is open to everyone and connects callers to the full range of treatment services for mental health and substance use and other community referrals. The BHHL helps in real time with immediate crisis intervention, urgent, and routine needs and is available 24/7/365 in 200+ languages. The BHHL is accessible to individuals seeking help for themselves, family members looking for support, or community members requesting resources to share.
Call or Text 833-773-2445 24/7
This organization runs a mental health and wellness referral help line where callers are matched with licensed mental health providers from their extensive database based on the location, insurance, and specialty needs of the caller. Their website has a wide range of valuable resources related to mental health and wellness for the benefit of the general public – children, adults and families – as well as educators and mental health professionals.
Riverside Commuity Care provides therapy, psychiatry, home-based services and more. Needham families can self refer, but their school guidance counselor may help facilitate the process.
MassHealth Commonhealth program
CommonHealth is comprehensive health insurance similar to MassHealth Standard, for eligible disabled adults and disabled children through age 18 who cannot get MassHealth Standard because their incomes are too high.
Massachusetts Department of Mental Health (DMH)
As the State Mental Health Authority, DMH assures and provides access to services and supports to meet the mental health needs of individuals of all ages. The Department establishes standards to ensure effective and culturally competent care to promote recovery, and sets policy, promotes self-determination, protects human rights and supports mental health training and research.
Information & Organizations
Articles, information, and resources from an organization dedicated to transforming mental health care for children.
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)
This site is an excellent resource, offering parent education, discussion boards, and information of many kinds.
A website launched by the Department of Health and Human Services dedicated to providing information and resources on mental health. The site includes the basics of mental health, signs of common disorders, how to talk about mental health, and how to get help.
"Identifying and Reinforcing Islands of Competence in Children with Special Needs"
Written by Robert Brooks, Ph.D.
"Supporting the Emotional Needs of Kids with Learning Disabilities"
When kids are diagnosed with a learning disability we naturally worry about how it will affect their school performance. What we often don't think about, but should, is how having a learning disability may affect children emotionally.
"Checklist: Signs Your Young Child Might Be Struggling With Anxiety"
Do you think your preschooler or grade-schooler may be struggling with anxiety? Here are some signs you might see, according to John Piacentini, Ph.D., and Lindsey Bergman, Ph.D., experts from the UCLA Child Anxiety Resilience Education and Supports (CARES) Center.
Blogs / Websites
A mother’s notes on childhood mental illness
On the Psychology Today website, Needham parent Deborah Vlock writes about her experiences as the parent of a child who has struggled with mental illness since age four. Her blog is dedicated to making connections and sharing stories and resources with other parents.